family therapist

Time to Talk: How the Black Community Can Embrace Mental Health Conversations

Time to Talk: How the Black Community Can Embrace Mental Health Conversations

Based on the dangers and circumstances Black people faced, it’s understandable why acknowledging and validating feelings, seemed like a luxury we couldn’t afford. Fortunately, much of that is changing as many throughout the diaspora are looking for ways to heal generational trauma and are finding ways to create safe spaces to heal themselves and their relationships. And this change is happening one person, one family, and one day at a time. 

No Mother Ever Wanted A Legacy of Trauma 

No Mother Ever Wanted A Legacy of Trauma 

Mothers birth more than children. They birth a new possibility for a community. Mothers carry the legacy of history and culture and often dedicate more time to maintaining a household and rearing children than they do caring for themselves. Mothers are the first teachers of children. They show them how to see the world as it is or as it can be.

When to take your child to a therapist: Knowing the signs can help turn things around

Regardless how fine your child may look, it may not reflect what is going on inside. We've all seen small children fall and quickly get back up again like nothing ever happened. We smile at their resilience and expect them to get back up again the next time they fall.

How to Show Up for Your Children Without Losing Yourself

How to Show Up for Your Children Without Losing Yourself

It’s hard to overstate how important it is to protect our children and help them navigate life’s challenges. Some children are dealing with trauma or facing difficult circumstances far outside their control. They need their parents, but they also need a community of adults they can turn to when they need them.