mindfulness practices

The Benefits of Choosing Reflection Over Resolutions

The Benefits of Choosing Reflection Over Resolutions

As the end of 2023 approaches, many of us have our sights on our goals for 2024. For some, creating vision maps, setting goals and making resolutions has become a tradition for the start of a new year. However, the traditional approach of setting resolutions often falls short, leading to frustration and feelings of failure. Instead of focusing on resolutions, consider the power of reflection as an alternative approach.

Five Ways to Make Your Mental Health a Priority

Five Ways to Make Your Mental Health a Priority

When we prioritize our mental health, we can enjoy a clearer mind, a better sense of self, improved productivity and an increased capacity to manage unexpected change. The best part: Making adjustments to your daily life doesn't have to be difficult. Mental health experts weigh in to share practical ways to make your mental health your priority…

The Pitfalls of Preaching Positivity

The Pitfalls of Preaching Positivity

We’ve all been there where what you need is to express how you feel and what you get is a bumper sticker statement like, “Try to focus on the positive.”  Sometimes no matter how well intentioned a statement like this is, it’s far from helpful at the moment.  Instead, it feels like someone is trying to dismiss your feelings. Sometimes everything isn’t okay, and we shouldn’t have to pretend that it is. 

Try Meditation and Reap the Benefits

Try Meditation and Reap the Benefits

When we think of meditation, we often envision someone sitting with their legs crossed on the floor with their hands together and eyes closed. And, yes this is one way we can approach meditation, but it is not the only way. For many, meditation is a spiritual practice that has been a part of their religious culture for thousands of years.